Keep your Finger on the Pulse
Our Dashboard allows you to choose Key Performance Indicators for your business and place them on a simple to use dashboard, which can be viewed from within the application, web* or mobile device*. Dials and charts are updated in real time, and you can filter KPIs to focus on specific time periods or measures, set warning limits and control colours, styles and chart types.
*Web and mobile device access is dependent on your internet security and device compatibility.
Take Control of your Business
Implement business rules to help users work the way you want them to. Fine grained security allows you to control users behaviour through simple business rules, such as being able to change prices or apply discounts during sales. As users log in and out of the application, auditing can be turned on to log user activities, control access to information, prevent modification of items and services and limit access to reports based on the user's log in. You can even create groups of users, such as "Permanent Vets" or "Locum Vets" and control these levels of access for an entire group at once.
Custom Reporting
Create reports using Data Analysis cubes, or Pivot Tables, and export data to Excel for further analysis. Customer Logic Vet lets you create your own financial and statistical reports and analyse them and chart them in a simple, intuitive interface.
Marketing and Communication
Create Marketing queries and send mail outs via mail or email. Customer Logic Vet has a built in Word Processor with many of the features of Microsoft Word. Create customised newsletters and send them to a particular subset of clients based on client or patient demographics, purchase history, total spend or custom flags with just a few mouse clicks. Email medical records, invoices and home care sheets straight out of the application, and communicate with your clients by SMS.
Lower TCO
Once off License Fees with Annual Support
Our business model is to support Vet Clinics of all sizes and our licensing fees have been designed to be as fair as possible. Unlike other software providers, you purchase the license as an upfront fee with optional annual support. There are no other ongoing fees, and we don't charge extra to turn on extra features of the application.
Low Hardware Requirements
Our hardware requirements are low, the system has been designed to use the Free version of Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Express, which will allow a normal sized vet clinic to store years worth of data (an average 2-3 vet practice generates about 1GB of data every 3 years, the free version of SQL Server can hold up to 10GB of data, but can be easily extended via partitioning). There is no need to upgrade to a full version of SQL Server for most normal sized clinics. Files such as documents and images are not stored in the database, helping to reduce the total file size and keep data operations fast and efficient.
There is no need to purchase a terminal server or brand new computers. Customer Logic Vet will run under Windows XP with 1-2GB of RAM, but also supports Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and even Windows 8.1. Our software is designed and developed on the Microsoft .Net Framework, and is currently using version 4. Microsoft are committed to supporting this platform on their new operating systems for the foreseeable future. Your computers need to meet Microsoft's requirements for running SQL Server Express on your server, and the .Net framework 4 on your workstations.
Easy to Learn and Use
Staff require little training, in fact our software is used in Universities and major Animal Hospitals, like Lort Smith Animal Hospital and RSPCA Victoria, because of its ease of use. Windows users will find the program intuitive and familiar, we have followed Microsoft design guidelines for interfaces and modelled our screens to feel like familiar Microsoft Applications, such as Word, Excel and Outlook.
Complete Conversion
We can generally bring all of your existing data across from other applications, including Vetaid, Visual Vetaid, rxWorks, Vision VPM, VetCare and Cornerstone. Client, Patient Medical, Financial and Inventory can all be imported from your existing system - so there is very little to set up once we have converted your data.
Money Back Guarantee
If you are not happy with the software within a 90 day period after installation, we'll refund your license fee for any returned licenses.
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